About a month ago - coincidentally around the time for New Year Resolutions - I made a commitment to myself to improve my overall health. This time, it was not going to be about eating the cookie tonight and starting my diet tomorrow. I was determined. My objectives were not...
From The Farm
Happy Second Birthday Lumi!
April 8 marks the second year birthday of Lumi. I can hardly believe that two years ago today, the idea for Lumi came to me as I was walking through Whole Foods in Charlottesville, VA. In less than 6 months, my idea became a reality, manifested itself into a fully...
DAY 30: Lumi Juice 30 Day Challenge
YOU DID IT. After 30 days of exercising and drinking a juice each day, how do you feel? Even we didn't get through the challenge with no slip-ups; we're all human. Take the time to celebrate this personal win and reevaluate how this might become a permanent part of your lifestyle....
Chasing Dreams
Last week, I drove solo over 2,500 miles across country from Charlottesville, Virginia to Los Angeles, CA. Some called me crazy. Some worried that it would be too much internal reflection. Other’s were jealous. Me? I was relieved to be in a car alone. Running a company doesn’t allow for...
Exciting New Order Options in the Lumi Juice Online Store!
Don’t get caught with an empty fridge when you need your green juice most! Let us make sure your fridge is always stocked – you’ve got more important things to worry about! You’re familiar with our awesome 14 Day and Monthly subscription services, which are ideal...